
Hello! Delicious Noms is a personal food blog written by Rachel and Josh. We live in Westchester County, NY (just north of NYC) with our amazing kids, 2 year old son D ("Monkey") and 7 month old daughter K ("Unicorn"), plus two disgruntled cats.

We didn't really know how to cook before having kids. Josh could barbecue and bake cookies and Rachel could boil water for pasta. That was about it. We lived in NYC, land of tiny apartment kitchens but thousands of restaurants. Then Rachel got pregnant, we bought a house in the suburbs, and gradually started using those dusty pots and pans. Now, three years after our spoiled city life ended, we can finally say we can cook! And we love it! Josh likes to try different recipes, especially those involving meat and famous chefs. Rachel is incapable of following a recipe without making eleventy modifications, and much prefers the "throw a bunch of stuff together and hope it's edible" route. This blog will document the good stuff, and maybe some of the spectacular failures too.

Our philosophy: eat good food. The definition of "good" is fuzzy though! Rachel tries to minimize sugars and processed foods. Organic, biodynamic, sustainable, local, fair trade, ethically raised, small scale farming - all of these factors are important to us, but they're obviously, and unfortunately, not possible at all times. What's most important to us is that the food we serve ourselves, our kids, our friends and family, is made and eaten with love and joy!